Joe McCarthy is a Young Entrepreneur on the Rise
At 18-years-old, Joe McCarthy has helped people build and create over a thousand elite brands on social media.
His entrepreneurial and marketing skills came from his experience of growing up and running a business on a farm.
Using the Power of Social Media Marketing
Joe originally started his career as an entrepreneur in farming where he had to find a way to market and sell his products.
He tried almost everything but to no avail.
A year later, at age 15, Joe came across Facebook and Instagram where he created a page for his farm which quickly grew to 2,000 followers each. Before he knew it, the young entrepreneur was selling his products with the power of social media marketing at his disposal.
Persistence is Important
By utilizing social media, Joe knew that he could do so much more than sell the products from his farm.
After one year and reading over 50 books on business and entrepreneurship, Joe started his company, JEM Media, where he helps people build and create elite brands on social media.
The first few months were admittedly poor as he made no money at all. But Joe wasn’t discouraged since he knew that entrepreneurship wasn’t meant to be all sunshine and rainbows; otherwise, everyone would be doing it.
“I think people should focus on being persistent even when things get tough,” he said.
Joe learned that hard work and persistence are two vital keys to succeeding in any field. There were many days where Joe wanted to quit the business and thought it was not for him. But his persistence and work ethic is what led Joe to where he is today.
Building His Brand
During the time of building his online business, Joe was also working on his personal brand on Instagram.
He put out content every week providing as much free value as he could. After a few months, and 80 posts later, his brand started taking off.
In May 2020, Joe partnered with the leading growth agency in the industry. This partnership has created over 1,000 elite brands on Instagram.
The young entrepreneur has also grown his page past 20,000 followers, and he has been featured on podcasts, had his story told in magazines such as MMAP True Success magazine, and even in the book “Bumpy Roads To Success.”
Despite his achievements all at the age of 18, Joe is still working on scaling his business and helping as many people as he can create credible brands on Instagram.
Check out Joe’s website at as well as his Facebook ( and Instagram (@realjoemccarthy) accounts for more information.